Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 things I learned on our trip to Sturgis and 4 National Parks 2010

(No particular order of importance)

1. Edward has a new name-"Left Brain". After 38 years you would think I know him pretty good. I have never met a man so obsessed with some stamps and stickers for the National Parks "Passport" and photos at each state line for the Harley ABC patch. I still have some patience left but it is wearing thin.

2. Honda Riders wearing Harley Davidson gear. It is just wrong....

3. B and B's are great. (Bed and Breakfast) We tried one in Sturgis for 2 nights and loved it. Met some great guys, all Harley riders and the best part of the day was breakfast and the hour when we all got home to visit. Great food and the owners were great.

4. Using the bathroom in State and National Parks- OK so it's really an outhouse in a bathroom. But it was really cold and we were in cold weather gear and my personals were so cold I didn't know if I finished the job......

5. Mountain Ranges run North to South.... So where was I in the 4th grade? Oh Yeah -Australia living next to a big red the outback.....

6. I watched "Left Brain" eat a 16ozs Buffalo Prime Rib very rare....all by himself and he didn't get sick. On another occasion he had a venison sausage, Elk chop and another buffalo prime rib all on the same plate. It was just gross....

7. I am still afraid of heights....

8. 90% of the visitors to State and National Parks in the USA are foreigners. That's just sad. Take your families and go see what the rest of the world takes time to come and visit.

9. Turn on the cold water tap in any northern state and the water is COLD... It was so good to drink.

10. We can have a "Chapter Ride" with 10 bikes 1,500 miles away from Temecula, and on a Chapter Meeting Sunday.

So there are some observations from a back seat rider!!!

Look for information and sign-ups for the Mystery Ride at September and October Chapter Meetings.

Live, Laugh, Love and Learn

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